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JIF CTO 2022


Alexandre Avran, Valenciennes, France
Nicolas Boudou, Bordeaux, France
Erwan Bressollette, Nantes, France
damien broucqsault, arras, France
Philippe Durand, France
Benjamin Faurie, Grenoble, France
Matthieu Godin, Rouen, France
Thomas Hovasse, Massy, France
Moussa Idali, Caen, France
Eugenio La Scala, Ollioules, France
Fabrice LEROY, Agnez Les Duisans, France
Nicolas Lhoest, Strasbourg, France
Lionel Mangin, France
raphael Philippart, Toulouse, France
sina porouchani, Lille, France
Stéphane Rinfret, Atlanta, United States
Georgios Sideris, Paris, France
Patrick Staat, Villeurbanne , France
Claudiu Ungureanu, La Louvière, Belgium
Louis Viallard, Aurillac , France
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