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Nans S.

Video : Recanalisation and stenting of chronically-occluded right iliac veins in a patient with severe PTS requiring previous contralateral lower limb amputation


Video : Recanalisation and stenting of chronically-occluded right iliac veins in a patient with severe PTS requiring previous contralateral lower limb amputation

Comments : Video : Recanalisation and stenting of chronically-occluded right iliac veins in a patient with severe PTS requiring previous contralateral lower limb amputation

  • Rajesh K. do you regularly land the proximal end of the stent into IVC or try to land it at the confluence? If the external compression is at the confluence then would you be convinced to extend into IVC?

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    • Mangesh T. 1. What was the "Hematological cause" for recurrent bilateral lower limb ilio-femoral DVT? What kind of Hypercoaguble state of the blood causing thrombosis?

      2. Where is the Venous access & entry side (Mid-SFV in thigh) or CFV in groin?

      3. How to fix up 10Fr large bore sheath in Chronically occluded femoral vein?

      4.Venous inflow from Profunda femoris (Deep femoral) is Sufficient even if Common femoral is badly damaged?

      5. Incase of "Infra-inguinal ligament" Venous stent extension and keeping it above lesser trochanter bony landmark for SFV-DFV Confluence zone; how much long term patency of 2 stents expected with post Stenting good oral Anticoagulation and Anti-Platelets??

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      • Sameh S. highly educative

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