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  • Kare T. Should you be more careful with antegrade injection due to risk of hydronic dissection?

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    • Olaf R. why did he not change again to fielder XT again after penetrating the proximal cap with a stiffer wire?

      • Ayman T. i think Sion blue was used to deeply engage LCX

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    • Ayman T. very useful

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      • Umar S. Well done great job

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        • Stefan H. Congratulations, nice procedure!

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          • Raisakis K. Nice

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            • Zambonialbe A. Well done!

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              • Aquilina M. Which kind of wire do you use?

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                • Daniel W. Treating CTOs in the hybrid algorithm we use mostly as a step up approach Fielder XT, then Pilot 200, GLADIUS or GAIA family, then Conquest Pro 12 or Hornet 14. Mostly depending on the anatomic presentation of the CTO.

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                  • Daniel W. Thank you all for the comments and the support

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                    • evi supriadi S. good case, well done

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                      • Mohamed M. Good

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                        • Sarteep Ezzat Q. Thanks

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                          • Mohamed M. Good

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                            • Dirk P. Excellent result !
                              Learning point for me was the dilatation of the proximal cap with low profile balloon to facilitate the micro catheter. many thanks , Dirk P

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                              • Khalid A. great results .. I would've saved some time using a guide extension to help with the Cx angulation . but nicely done .

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                                • Hernan V. Exelent

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                                  • hashemi fard O. Excellent

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                                    • Usman K. Good case

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                                      • maher T. EXCELLENT

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                                        • dow R. https://www.google.com/

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                                          • dow R. good

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                                            • Dorin D. great job!

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                                              See previous comments (3)
                                              • Amir ali M. nice job

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                                                • Naga ganesh K. Great

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                                                  • Mochamad Faishal R. Excellent technique

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                                                    • Pierre D. very educational case

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                                                      • hazem E. excellent comprehensive presentation to the point clear steps

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                                                        • Venkatesa R. very good

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                                                          • Tekten T. thanks

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                                                            See previous comments (7)
                                                            • abdallah A. too much metal for a rather shorter lesion !!!!!

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                                                              • mariwan S. GREAT JOB WELL DONE
                                                                What was the cause of ostial dissection ?

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                                                                • Marc H. Could you have pulled your retrograde gear once your wire was in the true lumen

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                                                                  • Bijan B. What happened to larg marginal branch

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                                                                    • Amr A. what about 7fr sheath on transradial
                                                                      do you need pre procedure radial duplex or angio

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                                                                      • Anselmo B. The right ventricular branches were all occluded. They didn’t try to recanalize anterograde, really possible, in my experience. Subintimal is a last resource

                                                                        • Serob M. I guess it has retrograde flow :)

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                                                                      • Narinder B. Why do you Need to be so Farm to reenter

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                                                                        • ahmed S. excellent

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                                                                          • Phatarpekar A. Naice

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                                                                            • Serob M. Thomas Hovasse, super!

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                                                                              • Mohammed H. excellent case

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