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  • loic B. Great Result

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    • sarikamis C. !

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      • Zambonialbe A. Interesting approch!!

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        • Muhammad D. Was there any image based stent optimisation?

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          • giulio P. Did you use Dual lumen microcathter for parallell wire Technique"?

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            • jehangeer H. RISK OF PERFORATION?

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              • Vinod N. Thanks

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                • Mohamed amine R. RCA , not LAD

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                  See previous comments (19)
                  • Kare T. Should you be more careful with antegrade injection due to risk of hydronic dissection?

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                    • Olaf R. why did he not change again to fielder XT again after penetrating the proximal cap with a stiffer wire?

                      • Ayman T. i think Sion blue was used to deeply engage LCX

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                    • Ayman T. very useful

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                      • Umar S. Well done great job

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                        • Stefan H. Congratulations, nice procedure!

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                          • Raisakis K. Nice

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                            • Zambonialbe A. Well done!

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                              • Aquilina M. Which kind of wire do you use?

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                                • Daniel W. Treating CTOs in the hybrid algorithm we use mostly as a step up approach Fielder XT, then Pilot 200, GLADIUS or GAIA family, then Conquest Pro 12 or Hornet 14. Mostly depending on the anatomic presentation of the CTO.

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                                  • Daniel W. Thank you all for the comments and the support

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                                    • evi supriadi S. good case, well done

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                                      • Mohamed M. Good

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                                        • Sarteep Ezzat Q. Thanks

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                                          • Mohamed M. Good

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                                            • Dirk P. Excellent result !
                                              Learning point for me was the dilatation of the proximal cap with low profile balloon to facilitate the micro catheter. many thanks , Dirk P

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                                              • Khalid A. great results .. I would've saved some time using a guide extension to help with the Cx angulation . but nicely done .

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                                                • Hernan V. Exelent

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                                                  • hashemi fard O. Excellent

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                                                    • Usman K. Good case

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                                                      • maher T. EXCELLENT

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                                                        • dow R. https://www.google.com/

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                                                          • dow R. good

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                                                            • Dorin D. great job!

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                                                              • hazem E. Leave a new comment to the discussion

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                                                                • Vinod N. Great case

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                                                                  • chengchun W. how to identify the collatreals are bridge collaterals or microchannels?

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                                                                    • Vinod N. Great case

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                                                                      • Vinod N. Thanks - good technique

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                                                                        • Mohamed M. Tough case

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                                                                          • Georgi G. Leave a new comment to the discussion

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                                                                            • Saif A. excellent demonstration and wonderful explanation

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                                                                              • Benjamin F. Thank you!

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                                                                                • Saif A. Excellent demonstration and explanation of the procedures.
                                                                                  Real difficult that interventional could face.
                                                                                  Only one Question: Are their plan to recath this patient?
                                                                                  Thank you

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                                                                                  • Zambonialbe A. Good job!

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                                                                                    • Ajay G. once we go sub intimally and when we try to redirect the same wire how will we decide, from which point we have to redirect?

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                                                                                      • Piotr K. If you had problem with advancing Finecross through septals was it a good possible option to exchange for Corsair?

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                                                                                        • prakash H. good one

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                                                                                          • chengchun W. any advices about advancing the stent in this very bending vessels?

                                                                                            • Aly T. Gudzilla or guidliner

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                                                                                          • Piotr K. how to assess at this stage that wire is in the true lumen (OTW balloon passed in the lesion but no flow distal to balloon)

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                                                                                            • sarikamis C.

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                                                                                              • chengchun W. Crossboss or stingray balloon is not available for our country.
                                                                                                1. what is your suggestion for dissection re-entry method if no reentry device is avaible?
                                                                                                2. can you share some tips for knuckle wire? eg. the loop size, wire...
                                                                                                3. to use knucle wire technique, is it necessary to use microcatheter together?

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                                                                                                • Alexandre A. Dear Chengchun
                                                                                                  first thanks for your active participation in a lot of CTO comments
                                                                                                  I suggest you if you can coming to MLCTO meeting in Nice France the 29 30 june and 01 of July where all yours questions will find a answer
                                                                                                  first it's very difficult to reenter without stingray balloon because this one localise yourself in 3 dimensions
                                                                                                  then you can try with minister technique or with a stiff wire to reenter
                                                                                                  2) best knuckle wires are Fielder XT or Pilot 200 and best curve is the smallest one
                                                                                                  3) it not a mandatory but a good recommandation to use microKT with knuckle technique because sometime and specially at the beginning you need support to get in subintimal space
                                                                                                  hope my answers find you well
                                                                                                  Alexandre Avran

                                                                                                  • chengchun W. thansk for your reply
                                                                                                    to watch your great performance help me clarify the secrets of CTO
                                                                                                    our Taiwanese always watch Japanese performance but i think your strategy is quite comprehensive and straighforward
                                                                                                    thanks you master

                                                                                                    by the way, if possible , i will visit Nice in France this June

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                                                                                                • Alexandre A. ministar technique

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                                                                                                  • Yahya Y.

                                                                                                    Why did you use finecross instead of corsair ? any reason which one is better to use in particular lesion ?

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                                                                                                    • Saldaña J.

                                                                                                      why you started in descendent anterior the donnor vassel 

                                                                                                      is it indicated begin in the cto first?

                                                                                                      Dr Saldaña

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