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  • Amir ali M. nice job

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    • Naga ganesh K. Great

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      • Mochamad Faishal R. Excellent technique

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        • Pierre D. very educational case

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          • hazem E. excellent comprehensive presentation to the point clear steps

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            • Venkatesa R. very good

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              • Tekten T. thanks

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                • Tekten T.

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                  • dramthirugnanam@aol.com D. antigrade will have reduced contrast and time procedure

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                    • Amir ali M. very good job

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                      • Amir ali M. good job

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                        • Marin V. Thank you, really beautiful AWE technique. I think that the last stent is hipoexpanded (it's around 2.2-2.5 mm in diametar by IVUS)in distal part, and due to probable negative remodeling in vessel diametar through time it will bi malapposed(maybe Stentys). Don't really think that last stent was needed. For me stenosis in proximal PL was asking for PCI, at least image/physiology study.

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