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  • Alexander P. The best!

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    • Mohamed sabry M. what about the mid segment of LAD? i think it is significant calcific and stenosed.

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      • Mohamed sabry M. very good..

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        • islam O. Can rotablator be used in case of ISR or contraindicated,when to start with ballon preparation befor shift to rotablator

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          • Max A. Rotablator have been used in case of ISR , but has an extremely limited role for several reasons.
            Rotablator could be used carefully after balloon dilatation in case of undilatable lesion.

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            • narayana reddy B. Good result

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              • Babu E. Whether floppy or extra support rota wire used in this case for LAD?

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                • Babu E. What was the size of burr used in LAD? How to choose among 2.25mm , 2.5mm or 2.75mm burrs for a given vessel with lesion?

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                  • bajarang B. want to see the full picture sir

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                    • venkatesa reddy D. very well explained use of rota

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