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Nans S.

Video : Meistern von komplexen Situationen in der femoropoplitealen Strombahn und bei großkalibrige Zugängen


Video : Meistern von komplexen Situationen in der femoropoplitealen Strombahn und bei großkalibrige Zugängen

Comments : Video : Meistern von komplexen Situationen in der femoropoplitealen Strombahn und bei großkalibrige Zugängen

  • Mangesh T. Myself Dr.Mangesh Tarte,MD,FVIR,PGDMLS (Interventional Radiologist) from Ahmednagar,India working in DSA Cathlab since 12yrs and post Masters in Radiology 15yrs experience! I wish to ask about \"SFA &Popliteal Arteries stenting & Re-vascularisation \" that- In present era of \'No stent in vessel \' to prevent rethrombosis & stent occlusion;how far it\'s useful to stent peripheral arteries?

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    • Mangesh T. Mechanical Atherwctomy & DEB Balloon plasty for \"Femoro-Popliteal & tibial arteries is gold standard. How far Drug coated stents are more advantigious than Self expanding Nitinol SFA stents? Lifestent solo from BARD has certain advantages over Supera-Abbott stents. Do you have any ideas CTO Crossing devices? Which is the best?

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