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  • v22e V. Interesting !

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    • v22e V. visiteur2@altilab.com

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      • Mangesh T. Very well done BTK & BTA Tibial Arterial DCB Plasty with excellent foot perfusion results.

        But Why not use “Phoenix Hybrid (Rotational & Directional) Atherectomy device for debulking heavily calcified distal PTA & dorsal Foot arch or at least Shockwave Lithoplasty balloons to beat Calcium??

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        • v22e V. Excelent case

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          • v22e V. Thanks

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            • khalid S. He put a new stent in side the old one, what is the expected long term results

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              • Mangesh T. Sir, Is this a Straub Rotarex (Swiss) Thrombectomy Device ? What is the size & length of 2nd Venous Stent? I think 1st Stent Occluded due to less than 90 mm length or anything else.

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                • Mohamed S. I am very interesting with cathlab cases

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                • Mohamed S. Nice

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                  • Nazar N. Nice presentation

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                    • Nazar N. Excellent

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                      • Mangesh T. Highly impressed with Proper guidance, Good Selection of Hardware materials, devices used & IR Techniques applied for the Re-Vascularisation of Chronically Occluded (Thrombotic) Left ilio-femoral Venous tract. Cause offcourse May-Thurner’s Compression. Few Questions to Main operator Dr. Houman Jalaie Sir are as follows-

                        1) Why Atlas gold high pressure balloon used in Post Stenting Dilatation when more pressure is needed in Pre-dilatation and breaking of Chronic fibrotic synaechie in Venous lumen?

                        2) Mustang has 24 atm bursting pressure while Atlas Gold & Conquest PTA Ballons has 30-40 atm bursting pressure.

                        3) How Vessel preparation prior to Dedicated Venous Stenting matters more?

                        4) Can we use Popliteal Vein Access site instead of Mid thigh SFV Site? so that 10 Fr Introducer sheath can be easily fixed and Large bore Stent deployment possible with long working shaft.

                        5) How aggressively , How long Post Venous Stenting Anticoagulation Therapy followed? What about Surviellence & follow up check ups Schedule in this case?

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                        • Nazar N. Excellent presentation

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                          Nans S.

                          Video : Two experts de-mystify complex lesions: the versatility of vessel preparation tools in combination with DCB


                          Video : Two experts de-mystify complex lesions: the versatility of vessel preparation tools in combination with DCB

                          Comments : Video : Two experts de-mystify complex lesions: the versatility of vessel preparation tools in combination with DCB

                          • Gohar R. Excellent demonstration and thorough explanation and discussion, well done, thank you

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                            • khalid S. Please how to make the wire in a looped shape, do you make it looped before getting to subintimal space or after, shall you enter the subintmal with catether first or with wire first

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                              • WEI W. don't you worry about the venous demage if you post dilate to the nominal diameter stent?

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                                • Olivier H. It must be done this way if you use the good stent 16-18 mm for CIV, 14-16 mm for EIV and CFV

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                                  • TAMCI N. your on sirs we can hear you

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                                    • amy F. We cannot hear or see anything yet

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                                      • amy F. We logged out and back in. Still nothing. Black screen with a stop button. No sound.

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                                      • Christa Q. cant get video n lap top. even created account

                                        • Paul L. Hi Christa,
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                                      • Raju P. Very well structured presentation of cto wires. Thanks

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                                        • Dr. S. V. Nice overview of CTO hardwares

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                                          • Umar S. Very good presentation

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                                            • TK D. Very good presentation.Any data on “crossboss microcatheter only” for CTO crossing?

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                                              • Mohamed M. Good

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                                                • manoher R. what are the common CTO wire u used?

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                                                  • manoher R. kidney suggest common CTO wires ?

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                                                    • chankseliani G. It's an interesting case, why is dilatation from the proximal and not from the distal.

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                                                      • Ahmad A. "Vascular Surgeons are a dying breed" - remarkable and should push every vascular surgeon to expand himself into the endovascular field

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                                                        • shafik H. nice discution

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                                                          • shafik H. Nice Discussion

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                                                            • shafik H. when do you use laser atherectomy

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                                                              • Sharif Khashaba K. kindly improve the voice

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                                                                • Vanessa R. How do you treat venous non thrombotic in stent restenosis

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                                                                  • Gustavo R. In chronic oclusion how often did you see instent stenosis in Iliocaval Wallstent

                                                                    • Olivier H. in our experience on 162 patients with a median follow-up of 44 months, primary patency is 70% at 60 months and assisted primary patency 85%

                                                                    • Peter N. Using the Wallstent, the cumulative in-stent stenosis rate at 6 years is in non-thrombotic obstructions (NIVL) 1% and in postthrombotic obstructions approximately 10%. In-stent stenosis is then defined as being >50% lumen reduction. It is common to see some in-stent layering of

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                                                                  • Jacobo N. What do you think is the best aproach to the lesion, popliteal or contralateral? Thanks

                                                                    • Olivier H. for chronic lesion, i prefer anterograde approach through the femoral or popliteal. Some teams favor internal jugular approach (must always be ready in case of IVC lesions)
                                                                      for acute lesions, it depends on the patency of the popliteal vein. If occluded, jugular or controlateral acess

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                                                                  • Maria Fabrizia G. do you use the same strategy in presence of PE?

                                                                    • Olivier H. PE does not change the strategy but can make discuss the use of an IVC filter

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                                                                  • bander A. what is he indications in case of non thrombotic iliac vein lesion ?

                                                                    • Olivier H. symptomatic and disabled patients C2-6, pelvic congestion syndrome

                                                                    • Peter N. I agree with Olivier, but wants to qualify it slightly. As we pointed out in the discussion, compression of the iliac veins are common in the asymptomatic population and possibly up to 30% have >50% stenosis with no symptoms! So there is a potential risk of overtreatment. In chronic venous disease of the lower limb, treatment of the outflow obstruction is indicated in patients with the C-class in CEAP being marked swelling (C3) and those with skin changes/ulcers (C4-C6). In addition, you have those patients with venous pain without skin changes or varicose veins, which can not be solely explained by the presence of reflux, if any. We use visual analogue scale (VAS) to evaluate that, considering VAS >5 being significant. As Olivier pointed out the symptoms have to affect the patients' quality of life.

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                                                                  • Sandeep S. When using three stents, why is the middle stent placed last in iliofemoral venous intervention?

                                                                    Is there any algorithim to decide on when and not to stent across deep femoral vein?

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                                                                    • Popeski P. .

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                                                                      • Pieter M. When do you do the antegrade approach and, when you do, with which guidewire do you start to deal with the femoral bifurcation and avoid PFA entry?

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                                                                        • marcus P. Very Good work!

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                                                                          • marcus P. good work!
                                                                            What's the stent ?

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                                                                            • venkatesa reddy D. very good talk

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                                                                              • Adriaan M. Excellent initiative for the endovascular venous community ! Adriaan Moelker Rotterdam The Netherlands

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                                                                                • Paul V. How late does it start?

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                                                                                  • Vidjak V. Why You did not use VFC prior dilatation in first case? dr Slavica KB Merkur, Zagreb

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                                                                                    • Joelle H. can you confirm stent brand and size please

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                                                                                      • Vidjak V. Why did not use trans popliteal bilateral approach with TJ filter placment dr. Slavica UH Merkur, Zagreb

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                                                                                        • Vidjak V. Why did not use trans popliteal bilateral approach with TJ filter placment dr. Slavica UH Merkur, Zagreb

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                                                                                          • Sheila S. As the PTS incidence is so high why is thrombolysis not used for all.

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                                                                                            • Joelle H. is the groin flexion region an issue ?

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                                                                                              • Mangesh T. Does you use 24x75 mm Wallstent for IVC Stenting? Are you first stenting IVC then Ilio-femoral veins with Protege Everflex Balloon expandable stents? -Dr.Mangesh Tarte, MD,FVIR,PGDMLS Ahmednagar ,India www.antarangcentre.org

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                                                                                                • Guillaume L. Thank you very much for your participation. You can contact privately each expert by private message through incathlab. The Incathlab Team

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                                                                                                  • Alison W. Thanks. That was really informative.

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                                                                                                    • Guirgis H. Great cases

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                                                                                                      • BARRY I. Nous souhaitons des cas cliniques

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                                                                                                        • Alexander P. Case 2 - the Best!

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                                                                                                          • Hendryk V. How can i see the answers to the questions from the discussion?

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                                                                                                            • marcus P. Deloose did a good coments

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                                                                                                              • khalid S. Thanks for this great and excellent electronic endovascular education session

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                                                                                                                • khalid S. Great discussion thanks alot

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                                                                                                                  • venkatesa reddy D. thank you for enlightening about treatment options available for PVD patients

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                                                                                                                    • Popeski P. Hello Dr. Langhoff ! Happy to be here. Thanks for session.Greetings from Sofia ! P.Popeski

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                                                                                                                      • Cyril V. Hi Pero. Thanks to follow us. Don't hesitate to give us your feeling about the session. Cyril - Incathlab

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                                                                                                                        • Halit A. THANK YOU YOUR VERY NÄ°CE CASE

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                                                                                                                          • venkatesa reddy D. very nice case discussion and beautifully explained technique of super stent delivery

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                                                                                                                            • Roberto R. 1

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                                                                                                                              • Vittorio R. Hello,
                                                                                                                                For the long segment CTO in the fem/pop, can one substitute a Viabahn for the Supera Stent?

                                                                                                                                • Larry D. Check the "Supersub" trial in Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions, November 2016.
                                                                                                                                  The answer is Yes, specially if crossing is achieved in subintimal fashion.

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                                                                                                                              • Vittorio R. Hello,
                                                                                                                                For long segment CTO of fem/pop, can one substitute Viabahn stent in place of Supera Stent, after recanalization in the subintimal space.

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                                                                                                                                • khalid S. Please what is the role of tack stent in PTK lesions

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                                                                                                                                  • mikeladze M. yes

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                                                                                                                                    • khalid S. Good luck

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                                                                                                                                      • khalid S. Kindly what kind of guide wire and support catheter you use

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                                                                                                                                        • Koen D. GREAT SESSION!! congratulations to everybody!!!

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                                                                                                                                          • Federico G. hello

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                                                                                                                                            • Vittorio R. is there a role for use of atherectomy and dcb in a long sfa cto as opposed to poba and stent

                                                                                                                                              • Jérôme B. It' surely and option for long lesion, debulking with laser if not calcified, or rotational (jetstream) if calcified to avoid dissection and then apply the drug with DCB
                                                                                                                                                Hard to answer in cto because our practice in cto is going sub-intimal to save time. I don't have personal data concerning safety with atherectomy devices in subintimal use
                                                                                                                                                Best regards

                                                                                                                                              • Vittorio R. Grazie!

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                                                                                                                                            • Cyril V.

                                                                                                                                              I'll be there!

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                                                                                                                                              • dramthirugnanam@aol.com D.

                                                                                                                                                Max amar, Marco amnzi, and  lansink good to see you all here

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                                                                                                                                                • dramthirugnanam@aol.com D.

                                                                                                                                                  Max amar, Marco amnzi, and  lansink good to see you all here

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