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  • Sakamoto R. Hi

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    • Sakamoto R. Hi

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      • hosein A. No video chat

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        • Tim L. How do you deal with situation where distal stent gets stuck and when you try and retrieve it simply unravels?

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          • Khaled F. i cant open the video

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            • Amir ali M. nice job

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              • Naga ganesh K. Great

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                • Mochamad Faishal R. Excellent technique

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                  • Pierre D. very educational case

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                    • hazem E. excellent comprehensive presentation to the point clear steps

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                      • Venkatesa R. very good

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                        • Tekten T. thanks

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                          • Burhonzoda Y. When will start?

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                            • Serob M. qu'est ce que vous pensez de ADR technique?

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                              • Serob M. Why haven't you considered antegrade dissection technique?

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                                • Kosta N. Any role for parallel wire antegrade?

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                                  • Maged R. Only option is miniSTAR

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                                    • elyes K. may be AL2 +Guidezella2+ BASE

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                                      • Maged R. Would not balloon since dissection all the way to the tip

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                                        • Kosta N. Any role for IVUS guided reentry?

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                                          • Hung Q. L. Great case! Thank you for the teaching points. After this investment procedure, when is your timeline to bring the patient back&

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                                            • Ilaria P. Very interesting case!

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                                              • Tekten T.

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                                                • Tekten T.

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                                                  • Tekten T.

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                                                    • bhuromal S. Great case

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                                                      • Srikanth A. Can you please explain the procedure for IVUS guided puncture?

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                                                        • Abdul karim N. Thankd

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                                                          • Alexander P. great work

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                                                            • venkatesa reddy D. very good result

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                                                              • Patricio N. The total dosis of heparin you use for this aproach?

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                                                                • saad S. Nice

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                                                                  • SHAMSUNDER H. HOW TO USE SINGLE INDEFLATOR FOR TWO BALLOONS DURING KISSING BALLOON

                                                                    • Benjamin F. We use as shown on picture a 3 way stopcock with allows to use a single inflator. You can also put different pressure in one or the other balloon..
                                                                      1 attached files. Create an account to access this content

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                                                                  • Benjamin F. We use the usual dose of heparin for PCI that means 70 to 100 UI per Kg.

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                                                                    • HORE D.

                                                                      EXCELLENT CASE , DONE WITH EVIDENCE BASE , AVOIDED LCX OSTIAL STENT

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                                                                      • Umar S. Excellent work

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                                                                        • congnam P. Thanks so much. It is very simple technique, so safe and significant

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                                                                          • venkatesa reddy D. very good demonstration

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                                                                            • Saif A. Fantastic and clear teaching points
                                                                              Thank you

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