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  • McDonald J. do you ever do the \"redwood\" single operator advancer technique or do you always do the burr advancement with 2 operators

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    • Khalid A. Would you use Rotablator for long CTO given the higher risk of dissection ?

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      • Khalid A. Would you use Rotablator for long CTO given the higher risk of dissection ?

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        • Alison W. Can this be used to unblock a thrombosed iliac vein?

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          • Ali A. Excellent case and demonstration. Thanks

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            • Peter M. Excellent demonstration!!

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              • sayyed shahrokh T. nice job

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                • Antoun Y. thank you for the excellent case

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                  • Santos M. Going to a Rotablator course tomorrow and I used your video to prepare. Great demonstration on a terrible case upfront! Thank you.

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                    • Roberto R. Impressive case! Well done, excellent result. Congratulations to whole team.

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                      • Eugen C. Good demonstrations

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                        • Dr. S. V. Excellent demo

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                          • RAMESH N. excellent demo

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                            • Walter F. Great discussion!

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                              • Sanjay S. Nice demonstration

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                                • Boghos S. very good job congratulations

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                                  • Khaleel M. Nice

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                                    • venkatesa reddy D. very good result and well done

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                                      • Ahmed A. Atherectomy

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