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Paul Barragan, Toulon, France
Johan Bennett, Leuven, Belgium
Charlotte Carswell, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Jehangir Din, Md, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Rami El Mahmoud, Paris, France
Gregor Leibundgut, Liestal, Switzerland
Sébastien Levesque, Poitiers, France
Peter O'Kane, Md, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Sami Omar, Md, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Georgios Sideris, Paris, France
Daniel Weilenmann, St. Gallen, Switzerland
December 2016
Honolulu : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 06am to 07am (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 08am to 09am (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 11am to 12pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 01pm to 02pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 03pm to 04pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+1)
Sydney : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Wellington : Thursday, December 15th 2016 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+1)

Demystifying the Rotablator Procedure

From a quick set-up to a safe plaque modification

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