This 25-minute case concerns a 74-year-old man with an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm that measures 65 mm. The patient is treated with a low profile endograft under local anesthesia and a complete percutaneous approach with pre-closing. WATCH IT NOW!
Step-by-Step Procedure:
Introduction and description of the case
Selection of aortic endograft and iliac branches
Right and left femoral percutaneous pre-closing under external echography
Placement of aortic endograft body
Placement of the left iliac endograft branch
Placement of the right iliac endograft branch
Dilatation of the endograft (aortic and iliac)
Final results
Closing of left and right groin and conclusion
Learning points:
Complete percutaneous approach of right and left femoral access
Abdominal aortic aneurysm CT scan analysis for aorta and iliac arteries
Selection of aortic endograft and iliac branches
Technique of pre-closing under external echography
Steps for aortic and iliac endograft placement
Percutaneous closing of large femoral access