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Following the two first editions, our experts have gathered again to debate and present you an overwiew of new techniques' advances and clinical trial results in venous interventions.

Program (GMT +1)

12:00 Introduction - Short review of the 2 first editions - Gerry O'Sullivan
12:10 Case in the box #1
12:35 Long term results of venous Stenting - Lecture by Olivier Hartung
12:45 Acute Ilio femoral DVT - how do you treat & why - Lecture by Stephen Black
13:00 Case in the box #2
13:20 Illiocaval reconstruction. What have we learned - lecture by Rick De Graaf
13:30 Closing remarks and take home messages

Educational objectives

  • Diagnostic approach for patients with suspected ilio-femoral vein obstructions

  • Tips and Tricks for venous recanalization in patients with
    - Acute Deep vein  thrombosis
    - Chronic obstructions of the ilio-femoral vein system

  • Stent design, performance and available evidence

  • Value of Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for venous recanalizsation


  • Endovascular specialists (Vascular Surgeons, Interventional Radiologists, Interventional Angiologists and Interventional Cardiologists)
  • Referring physicians of patients with venous disease
Shooting date : 2016-12-12
Last update : 2018-06-26
Stephen Black
London, United Kingdom
Rick De Graaf
Maastricht, Netherlands
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  • Adriaan M. Excellent initiative for the endovascular venous community ! Adriaan Moelker Rotterdam The Netherlands

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    • Paul V. How late does it start?

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      • Vidjak V. Why You did not use VFC prior dilatation in first case? dr Slavica KB Merkur, Zagreb

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        • Joelle H. can you confirm stent brand and size please

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          • Vidjak V. Why did not use trans popliteal bilateral approach with TJ filter placment dr. Slavica UH Merkur, Zagreb

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            • Vidjak V. Why did not use trans popliteal bilateral approach with TJ filter placment dr. Slavica UH Merkur, Zagreb

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              • Sheila S. As the PTS incidence is so high why is thrombolysis not used for all.

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                • Joelle H. is the groin flexion region an issue ?

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                  • Mangesh T. Does you use 24x75 mm Wallstent for IVC Stenting? Are you first stenting IVC then Ilio-femoral veins with Protege Everflex Balloon expandable stents? -Dr.Mangesh Tarte, MD,FVIR,PGDMLS Ahmednagar ,India www.antarangcentre.org

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                    • Guillaume L. Thank you very much for your participation. You can contact privately each expert by private message through incathlab. The Incathlab Team

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                      • Alison W. Thanks. That was really informative.

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                        • Guirgis H. Great cases

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