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Since the advent of TEVAR, we have witnessed endovascular repair being applied to treat increasingly complicated disease states in challenging aortic anatomies. Thoracic endografting provides a therapeutic option to an increasing number of patients who are not good candidates for open repair or who prefer a minimally invasive approach.
However, despite recent advancements, TEVAR is not free from complications, and challenges with bird-beaking and windsocking continue to be a problem, especially in the aortic arch, with deployment mechanisms where the proximal end opens while the distal end remains constrained. 
Discover in this webinar how to overcome these challenges and the novel features that the new GORE® TAG® Conformable Thoracic Stent Graft with ACTIVE CONTROL System introduces.


18:00 Introduction and presentation of learning objectives of the session - Prof. G. Torsello
18:10 TEVAR device selection and case planning in consideration of disease and anatomy - Dr R. Heijmen
18:20 Introducing the new GORE® TAG® Conformable Thoracic Endoprosthesis with Active Control System - Prof. G Torsello
18:30 Live-in-Box Presentation: TEVAR in short and angulated neck case example
  • Patient description and introduction of the case - Dr M. Austermann
  • Panel Discussion
19:00 Live-in-Box Presentation: TEVAR in challenging anatomies key learnings from other clinical cases
19:20 Closing Remarks



  • Gain knowledge on endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms
  • TEVAR devices selection and best strategies for optimal patient's outcomes
  • Understand proper patient selection criteria, sizing and implantation techniques for the GORE® TAG® Conformable stent graft with ACTIVE CONTROL system
  • TEVAR Case planning consideration and oversizing options in consideration of patient anatomy and indications (trauma, dissection)
  • Precise Placement in the proximal neck and proximal to the celiac trunk, angulation control in the proximal neck and overlapping zones
  • Provide platform for discussion with experts, about patients’ outcomes and population treated with TEVAR

Target audience

  • Endovascular specialists (vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, interventional angiologists, interventional cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons)
Shooting date : 2018-03-19
Last update : 2018-03-20
Robin Heijmen
Nieuwegein, Netherlands
Join the Discussion
  • Nikolaos S. Which are the advantages of the Gore thoracic device apart from the active meccanism in comparison with the well established long term results of the Zenith TX and also the newer Zenith Alpha thoracic stent graft? Nikolaos Sch.

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    • William O. Greetings from Detroit.
      Could you discuss guideline for spinal drainage?

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