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Introduction & Case Presentation
Live case performance
Panel discussion
Conclusion & Take home message
Prof. Wolfgang Rottbauer & Dr. Birgid Gonska


Educational objectives

  • Learn how to minimize procedure-related complications for patients with heavily calcified aortic annulus
  • Apprehend how to plan and perform cerebral protection during TAVI using SENTINEL device
  • Learn about the benefits of the LOTUS Edge valve system in Transfemoral TAVI
  • Learn how to size and choose LOTUS valve in Transfemoral TAVI


  • Cardiovascular specialists interested in structural cardiac procedures and TAVI
  • Cardiac surgeons performing TAVI
Shooting date : 2019-10-18
Last update : 2020-03-04
Join the Discussion
  • Amir Aziz A. the choice for vascular closer device? 2 proglides or other devices?

    • Pierre D. Hi
      they used 2 proglide for this case

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  • Amir Aziz A. vascular closure device?

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    • Amir Aziz A. role of echo during TAVI?

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      • IBRAGIMOV R. what kind of balloon for predilation you prefer?

        • Pierre D. Hi
          I think Nucleus Balloon may be considered as a standard

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