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Course Director: Pr Isabel Deisenhofer

This programme is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) for 1 hour of external CME credit. Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that have actually been spent in the educational activity.
The EP field is undergoing an important transformation with regard to standardize the Afib procedure, in a safe, effective and efficient way.  The purpose of this webinar is to support participants interested in advancing their RF AF ablation practice and in knowing how they can increase success rate from the first procedure in Persistent Afib patients. The faculty will discuss their successful experiences, presenting their data and sharing tip&tricks to show their optimized workflow to treat Ps Afib patients with the latest technologies available.


Introduction and Literature Review on Ps AF treatment
Prof. Deisenhofer
The crucial role of a durable PVI for increasing success rate from the first procedure
Dr Gupta
Is “PVI-only” always the Best Ablation Strategy for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation?
Dr Jadidi
Q&A session. Take home messages and Conclusion
Prof Deisenhofer, Dr Gupta, Dr Jadidi


Educational objectives

  • Discuss new real world clinical experiences in treating Persistent Afib patients increasing success rate from the first procedure
  • Share Successful Workflows for reaching durable PVI using Ablation Index
  • Focus on the role of substrate analysis using high density catheters in improving long term outcome


  • Cardiac electrophysiologists and allied health professionals performing and assisting during RF AF ablation procedures
  • Healthcare professionals using alternative AF ablation techniques will also find this topic appealing

In compliance with EBAC guidelines, all speakers/chairpersons participating in this programme have disclosed or indicated potencial conflicts of interest which might cause a bias in the presentations. The Organizing Committee/Course Director is responsible for ensuring that all potencial conflicts of interest relevant to the event are declared to the audience prior to the CME activities.

Supported by an unrestricted grant from Biosense Webster

Shooting date : 2019-01-31
Last update : 2020-03-04
Dhiraj Gupta
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Amir Jadidi
Bad Krozingen, Germany
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    • Andrei P. Thank You

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        • Sandro B. Great webinar

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