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This complete didactic procedure concerns a 41 yo male, with multiple cardiovascular risk factors, presenting severe excertional angina related to ostial LAD chronic total occlusion.
The LAD CTO was successfully recanalized antegradly using IVUS guided-puncture Technique & Bifurcation Stenting LAD-D1 with DK-Crush Technique.

Educational objectives

  • How to manage diabetic patients with one vessel disease (Proximal LAD CTO): CABG vs PCI.
  • Step-by-Step setup & Access-guiding catheters choice.
  • Application of the Hybrid algorithm in CTO PCI procedures.
  • IVUS guided proximal  CAP puncture technique.
  • Tips & Tricks to gain support and safely advance microcatheters, balloons...in uncrossable lesions.
  • How to Stent bifurcations in CTO lesions.
  • How to perform double Stent Technique: DK-Crush.
  • How to prevent complications during every Step CTO PCI procedure.

Step-by-Step procedure

  • Dual Femoral Access : 8F introducer in Right CFA & 7F introducer in Left CFA.
  • JR 7F  guiding catheter for the RCA & 8F EBU3.0 for the Left main.
  • Proximal CAP engagment using Workhorse guidewire Sionblue (Asahi) then Fielder XT-A (Asahi) & Low profile microcatheter Caravel (Asahi).
  • Advancement of the Filder XT-R into the first diagonal.
  • Trapping the microcather with Trapping dedicated Device: Trapper (Boston Scientific).
  • Predilation toward the Diagonal with small balloon 1.5x20mm.
  • Exchange of the Fielder XT-A (Asahi) with a workhorse guidewire Sionblue (Asahi).
  • IVUS evaluation of the proximal CAP.
  • Echo-guided puncture using a Fielder XT-A Guidewire & Caravel microcatheter (Asahi).
  • Exchange Fielder XT-A guidewire to Gaia Second (Asahi) to cross the occlusion & angiographic control in two orthogonal views.
  • Anchoring balloon technique in the diagonal to advance the Caravel into the LAD.
  • After failing the Anchoring balloon technique, a dilatation of the proximal Cap using a small balloon 1.5x20mm was performed.
  • Exchange  to the microcatheter & Crossing into the true lumen using a workhorse guidewire Runthrough guidewire (Terumo).
  • Predilatation of the Diagonal & the LAD with  2.5x15mm.
  • Angiographic control.
  • Bifurcation two stents technique: LAD-1st Diagonal with DK-Crush Technique.


CTO technics

Shooting date : 2019-01-18
Last update : 2019-05-28
Dr. Khaldoon Alaswad
Detroit, United States
Owayed Al Shammeri
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia

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  • Amir ali M. nice job

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    • Naga ganesh K. Great

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      • Mochamad Faishal R. Excellent technique

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        • Pierre D. very educational case

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          • hazem E. excellent comprehensive presentation to the point clear steps

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            • Venkatesa R. very good

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              • Tekten T. thanks

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                L’OCT dans la resténose et thrombose de stent – il est temps d’allumer la lumière !

                L’imagerie : un outil indispensable pour gérer les complications post-angioplastie

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                Honolulu : Tuesday, March 8th 2022 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)
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                Sydney : Wednesday, March 9th 2022 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
                Wellington : Wednesday, March 9th 2022 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)

                The journey from femoral to distal radial

                Episode 2 - The Practice

                Thursday, March 10th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
                Honolulu : Thursday, March 10th 2022 from 06am to 07am (GMT+1)
                San Francisco : Thursday, March 10th 2022 from 08am to 09am (GMT+1)
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                Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, March 10th 2022 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+1)
                Bangkok : Thursday, March 10th 2022 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+1)
                Shanghai : Friday, March 11th 2022 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
                Tokyo : Friday, March 11th 2022 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
                Sydney : Friday, March 11th 2022 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
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                Le rôle de l’assistance circulatoire mécanique en cas de choc cardiogénique et d'ICP à haut ri...

                Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 07:30am to 10:30pm (GMT+2)
                Honolulu : Wednesday, May 29th 2024 from 07:30pm to 10:30am (GMT+2)
                San Francisco : Wednesday, May 29th 2024 from 10:30pm to 01:30pm (GMT+2)
                New York : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 01:30am to 04:30pm (GMT+2)
                Buenos Aires : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 02:30am to 05:30pm (GMT+2)
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                London / Dublin : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 06:30am to 09:30pm (GMT+2)
                Paris / Berlin : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 07:30am to 10:30pm (GMT+2)
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                Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 09:30am to 12:30am (GMT+2)
                Bangkok : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 12:30pm to 03:30am (GMT+2)
                Shanghai : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 01:30pm to 04:30am (GMT+2)
                Tokyo : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 02:30pm to 05:30am (GMT+2)
                Sydney : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 04:30pm to 07:30am (GMT+2)
                Wellington : Thursday, May 30th 2024 from 06:30pm to 09:30am (GMT+2)

                CTO LIVE AID 2024

                5th edition

                Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
                Honolulu : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 07am to 08am (GMT+1)
                San Francisco : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 09am to 10am (GMT+1)
                New York : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+1)
                Buenos Aires : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 02pm to 03pm (GMT+1)
                London / Dublin : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
                Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
                Istanbul : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
                Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, November 30th 2021 from 09pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
                Bangkok : Wednesday, December 1st 2021 from 12am to 01am (GMT+1)
                Shanghai : Wednesday, December 1st 2021 from 01am to 02am (GMT+1)
                Tokyo : Wednesday, December 1st 2021 from 02am to 03am (GMT+1)
                Sydney : Wednesday, December 1st 2021 from 03am to 04am (GMT+1)
                Wellington : Wednesday, December 1st 2021 from 05am to 06am (GMT+1)

                The Role of Mechanical Circulatory Support in High-Risk PCI & in CTO PCI

                Impella Case Club

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