What do you think about Transradial Artery approach for Carotid Artery stenting
In our practice of more than 200 Carotid artery stenting per year, femoral approach is the main access. We use radial approach in few cases. Are we right? This is a case that we performed recently through Distal Right Radial Artery
Mike C. Hello,
What are the details of the Carotid Shuttle ?
Max A. It is a 90cm 6F Cook Carotid Shuttle.
The other shuttle is the Destination introducer from Terumo
Mike C. Ok thank you !
Why you didn't used the Femoral access ?
Max A. This patient has a bilateral Illiac Artery Stenting, and the access from the Radial was easy.
This patient is also a Coronary Insufficency patient who asked for Radial approach.