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Principles of subintimal dissection


General principles

How to get the subintimal space
- Case 1
- Case 2
- Case 3

Subintimal space dissection
- Case 4

Bifurcation treatment
- Case 5

Looking for a "good distal target vessel"
- Case 6
- Case 7
- Case 8
- Case 9

Re-entry into the true distal lumen
- Case 10
- Case 11

Learning objective

How to enter into the subintimal space; how to dissect it; how to re-enter into the true distal lumen

Learning point

Tips and tricks to master the subintimal approach

Devices used

Support balloon : Armada 14 XT 1.5*20mm, 0.014" OTW - Abbott
Diagnostic catheter :  TEMPO® AQUA®, 4F Berenstein - Cordis
Sheath introducer : AVANTI®, 4Fr, 12 cm length - Cordis
Wires : 
- Hi-Torque Pilot® 50-100-150-200, 0.014" - Abbott
- Hi-Torque Command, 0.014" - Abbott
- V18TM, ,0.014" - Boston Scientific
Hydrophilic wire : Radiofocus Guide wire M, Stiff type, J Angled, (1.5 mm), 0.035" - Terumo

Shooting date : 0000-00-00
Last update : 2021-06-08

Critical Limb Ischemia

The main goal of this Multidisciplinary School is to support clinicians to develop specific competencies in order to deal with and manage critical limb ischemia and diabetic foot disorders, to rein...

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  • khalid S. Please how to make the wire looped

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