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Shooting date : 2016-09-30
Last update : 2016-12-07
Alexandre Avran
Valenciennes, France

Euro CTO Club 2016

Friday, September 30th, 2016 Friday, September 30th, 2016   08:00 - 10:15 – Session 1: CTO PCI STEP BY STEP I Chairmen: Alfr...

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  • chengchun W. what is the final result of this case? retrograde wire crossing directly or Reverse CART just before the crux?

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    Live Case 2

    Etsuo Tsuchikane, Toyohashi, Japan


    Live Case 4

    Leszek Bryniarski, Krakow, Poland


    Welcome by the Organisers

    Leszek Bryniarski, Krakow, Poland; Jaroslaw Wojcik, Lublin, Poland; Alfredo R. Galassi, Catania, Ita...

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