This didactic procedure concerns a 49 years old man with a history of:
Cardiovascular risk factors: Hypertension and smoking.
Actual treatments: Aspirin, Ticagrelor, Bisoprolol, Ramipril and Rosuvastatin.
He is presenting with severe left lower limb claudication with rest pain (stage3), (left > right). Several stents implanted on the left SFA 7 years ago.
The angiographic control showed bilateral long SFA occlusions with stent fractures on the left SFA stents, and a left CFA stenosis.
The case of the month is a new way for our users to watch, learn, and share with incathlab. They can watch a video that highlights an innovative case and uses excellent pedagogical techniques, lear...
Aprigliano G. Of course you gained an immediate acceptable angiographic result. The patient is 50 yrs old, what should we attend from this procedure in terms of long term results? DES demonstrated to reduce long term restenosis in terms of intimal iperplasia but not in terms of stent fracture. May be interesting in this case another self expandable stent with unconventional design (Supera?). Thanks for sharin
Max A. We think that we can reduce the rate of restenosis .Best regards
Popeski P. .